there should be a way to secure our girls from being stolen, and maybe to restore the town too or even just tell the annoying whatever his name is that they aren't ready yet with him coming back on wednesday and insisting on having something due to the delay probably not paying full price
dude what even is this mess. you spend the whole week to train the animal you spent a whole day attempting to get, with a 70% fail rate on common! thats absurd in itself, and if you refuse to sell to the buyer they literally come and steal ALL of your animals, erasing all of your work. this is a maddening excuse for a game.
You need to have a way to send animals back to the barn if you accidentally send them for presentation to the buyer. I thought that the buyer would take the lowest rarity animal, so I grinded the wolfgirl to make sure she would behave while I was raising my foxgirl to love me. Friday rolls around and I make the foxgirl my housepet. I go to sleep and the buyer rolls up. He keeps going "you know why I'm here" without the option to say "I'll go get my wares". I rocket off to the barn, put the finishing touches on my wolfgirl, send her to the buyer...only for the buyer to repeat "you know why I'm here". He wants what I can't give him. I can't sleep, I can't leave my farm. I can't end the frelling day.
Also, either have the ability to move buckets around (so a catgirl bucket doesn't just sit there while the dice favor wolfgirls) or have the girls occupy the first available stall upon capture.
I'm guessing that a future update will allow you to have all four stalls in the stable filled at the same time?
chances should be more player friendly as i swear i get something and train all week and get nothing but red text then when the buyer comes he says "you haven't trained enough"... WTF i trained her from catch to sell immediately after he left first time! please either make chances of success easier or make the buyer a bi-weekly thing
you need to fix the ability to perform basic functions in your game. the fact the game wouldn't let me sell the dog girl THEN she got stolen making me waste all my time and resources is not an acceptable level of functional for an early release.
2 things I dont like already, #1 the market staring off is shitty when the wolfgirl bites the buyer and he offers 5 gold, #2 he will steal her if u decline plus your reputation will take a hit. If i could sell to robin maybe but i didnt buy the piss bucket 1st playthrough so i waste time chaining pets to the wall to make a buck
If your having a BAD TIME then id recommend these tips: 1.If your planning on making The Girl too a house pet then just make it if you have the option too i don't know but maybe increase its Love for you? (It doesn't matter of its status since it wont effect it when it becomes a house pet, Hopefully there's an update where you can team fight 2.If your planning to sell the girl then id recommend you use the *Pun-ishment option of chaining them too a wall They may not like you after that but Who cares(your never gonna see them again anyway...). your gonna sell them anyway *and its guaranteed chance 3.Collect P from the girl because its quick money *when i was having a bad time with the girls manners and them trying to successfully biting the buyer THE GIRL IS ONLY WORTH 5 COINS a girl should be worth more than that... but hey i Got more money selling their *P* then Selling the girl themselves 4.Finally, Now i'm sending this message when i played this current version which is Version 0.3 now if your playing the version and made money , the objective id recommend is Making all the species your home pets (because in this version Herbs doesn't really make a difference so i know) Don't know if you can do that though. That's my objective and the end of the list For your information : if your wondering Why cant you teleport when interacting the sign in The forest selection go to the front of the sign that's the activation don't know if the editor will improve the User interference by instead of walking to the sign And a extra room then Make a option that shows multiple options (places you wanna go FOR EXAMPLE) come true For For your information : BAN THE CURRENT BUYER BAN HIM BAN HIM FROM MY FARM, BAN HIM FROM FACEBOOK, BAN HIM EVEN FROM THE SOIL THAT HE IS STANDING ON (THAT'S MY RECOMMENDED OPTION) For FOR FOR your information : He gave me a bad time For For FOR FOR Your information FINALLY: All of this has been written by someone who has played the game for about 3 hours~ happy grinding. Person with Excitement and Rightly Versatile~ and finallyi love puns Edit: it took me about 20 minutes new game to get a house pet Another edit"Cant take the strikethrough font off
Hello! Thanks for giving these tips and helping other people out. If you're interested, I would like you as a game tester since you seem to have good opinions I can take into consideration
It also happens when you try to sell the fox girl I have to decline the buyer and let it get stolen to move on. I haven't tried bunny girl since I haven't caught one yet,
If so then click on this spot in front of it. Didn't realise you would have to be so precise on mobile but I'll fix that next update so you can click on the sign itself too
So playing the browser version the first time the buyer shows up before talkng to them I went to the barn and selected the option to get the wolfgirl ready for the buyer then when I go to the building he's in she is next to him but when I talk to him and he says he will take a wolfgirl the only option that appeared was I don't have one even though she's sitting right next to him and he leaves angry and she remains sitting there not able to be interacted with
Ive only gotten the chance to try it on the phone (iOS to be specific.) I've gotten to experience the combat system (the non-magic side) which is kinda fun.
Out of curiosity do you still plan on implementing the guard concept I suggested before or is that no longer an issue? Sorry iOS isn't the best at running web games so I couldn't get that far. I just got stuck on day 2.
Regardless I look forward to seeing where this game goes. :)
Yes it is still a concept that will get added in eventually! I actually added it into my old game but never ended up publishing it so it's definitely something that I will fit into this one
Is it only me or is that game hard? I allready selled 4 girls and still i feel like something is missing <.<
Maybe you could lower the energy cost per interaction and please make the charakter faster, his sprinting speed schould be his walking speed
where can i sell piss and what does affection? Never were able to get it realy high... would be nice if u add some more information about the stats and what they do
but i think with a little fine tuning this could be a great game! I already love u work, just wanted to make some suggestions
Will definitely keep these suggestions in mind when making the next update! It would be nice if you joined my discord and put your suggestions in my suggestions channel so it will be easy for me to go back to.
Creatures pee doesn't have a use yet and neither does getting high affection but they will in future updates!
nothing, 8days IG and i can only buy at merchant and a Buyer came, but without creature and no possibilities to aquire creature buyer is useless and you don't win money.
Just realized that for some reason the name above the sign isn't showing so it isnt obvious to walk up to it but if you go to either of these places and press enter, you should be able to interact with the sign and go to the place where you can catch creatures
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Hey, I have problems with the apk. It says the version is too old or something like that
there should be a way to secure our girls from being stolen, and maybe to restore the town too or even just tell the annoying whatever his name is that they aren't ready yet with him coming back on wednesday and insisting on having something due to the delay probably not paying full price
dude what even is this mess. you spend the whole week to train the animal you spent a whole day attempting to get, with a 70% fail rate on common! thats absurd in itself, and if you refuse to sell to the buyer they literally come and steal ALL of your animals, erasing all of your work. this is a maddening excuse for a game.
You need to have a way to send animals back to the barn if you accidentally send them for presentation to the buyer. I thought that the buyer would take the lowest rarity animal, so I grinded the wolfgirl to make sure she would behave while I was raising my foxgirl to love me. Friday rolls around and I make the foxgirl my housepet. I go to sleep and the buyer rolls up. He keeps going "you know why I'm here" without the option to say "I'll go get my wares". I rocket off to the barn, put the finishing touches on my wolfgirl, send her to the buyer...only for the buyer to repeat "you know why I'm here". He wants what I can't give him. I can't sleep, I can't leave my farm. I can't end the frelling day.
Also, either have the ability to move buckets around (so a catgirl bucket doesn't just sit there while the dice favor wolfgirls) or have the girls occupy the first available stall upon capture.
I'm guessing that a future update will allow you to have all four stalls in the stable filled at the same time?
chances should be more player friendly as i swear i get something and train all week and get nothing but red text then when the buyer comes he says "you haven't trained enough"... WTF i trained her from catch to sell immediately after he left first time! please either make chances of success easier or make the buyer a bi-weekly thing
A question, do we absolutely have to give them up after a week? Can't we get some options to keep them?
it is possible to get more than one house pet? And how to change ur house pet?
Please respond asap.
you need to fix the ability to perform basic functions in your game. the fact the game wouldn't let me sell the dog girl THEN she got stolen making me waste all my time and resources is not an acceptable level of functional for an early release.
The update fixed making the fox girl a pet but it didn't fix the selling of the fox girl
Can you tell me what error you get when you try to sell the foxgirl? or what the bug is in particular
I try to sell the foxgirl and that's not happens, I think that's a problem because you are playing in the bowse. I THINK. Only my a random person
2 things I dont like already, #1 the market staring off is shitty when the wolfgirl bites the buyer and he offers 5 gold, #2 he will steal her if u decline plus your reputation will take a hit. If i could sell to robin maybe but i didnt buy the piss bucket 1st playthrough so i waste time chaining pets to the wall to make a buck
Short update guys regarding v0.4 (we will have an hotfix):
Paesant — Today at 1:57 AM
How do I get past this
Hello! Thanks for giving these tips and helping other people out. If you're interested, I would like you as a game tester since you seem to have good opinions I can take into consideration
In current version your game breaks when you make fox girl a pet
Do you mean right after you capture the foxgirl and try to add it to your barn? Or when you try to make her a home pet
When try to make her as a pet.
It also happens when you try to sell the fox girl I have to decline the buyer and let it get stolen to move on. I haven't tried bunny girl since I haven't caught one yet,
And making one a house pet is difficult to do
how not to sell your pets and not lose them?
Just make it your house pet You can only have one of every species if im correct.
my observations. I understand, this is a work in progress, so I do not mean this as criticism.
In battle scenes, heal and guard are pointless. Heal might be ok only if the girl missed her attack.
Selling the pets is the only real option. if you refuse to sell, he comes back and takes her anyway.
He says something about reputation, but I see nothing in the game for that...yet.
Crafting needs work, I assume that is coming soon.
not feeding the pets should have a penalty. might need to expand on the training options too.
Can I release my house pet? Can the wolf or fox girls be house pets? Can I reset my progress?
I see a lot of potential. Keep up the good work.
(I'm on android download version)
Android version is the same as Windows version
I can't even exit the menu after making changes I have to close the game completely and restart
if I remember correctly, you should be able to use two fingers on the screen to exit menus
Nice full battery HIGH FIVE
it was on charge and yes full battery
How to craft?
Craft was added on 0.3 now we are at 0.4 but developers started to fix some bugs regarding this version so we wait the 0.4.1 a little bit.
I'm sorry, but how do I sell and craft stuff
Those aren't in the game yet but they will be next update!
Alright, thank you very much! :)
I can't enter the forest
How so? Did you press enter or space in front of the sign in the forest? or does the travel menu just not take you there at all?
What I mean is that I can't enter the battle area where I can grab the girls on mobile
Do you mean here?
If so then click on this spot in front of it. Didn't realise you would have to be so precise on mobile but I'll fix that next update so you can click on the sign itself too
thank you
For me work well on both versions.
So playing the browser version the first time the buyer shows up before talkng to them I went to the barn and selected the option to get the wolfgirl ready for the buyer then when I go to the building he's in she is next to him but when I talk to him and he says he will take a wolfgirl the only option that appeared was I don't have one even though she's sitting right next to him and he leaves angry and she remains sitting there not able to be interacted with
I wish that I could have had the opportunity to uses the old version but it won't let me access the cheats menu to test it out
Not the direction I expected the game to take
Haha. I remember you. Yeah it's definitely different from the old format but I hope you're enjoying it all the same, maybe even more.
Ive only gotten the chance to try it on the phone (iOS to be specific.) I've gotten to experience the combat system (the non-magic side) which is kinda fun.
Out of curiosity do you still plan on implementing the guard concept I suggested before or is that no longer an issue? Sorry iOS isn't the best at running web games so I couldn't get that far. I just got stuck on day 2.
Regardless I look forward to seeing where this game goes. :)
Yes it is still a concept that will get added in eventually! I actually added it into my old game but never ended up publishing it so it's definitely something that I will fit into this one
Is it only me or is that game hard? I allready selled 4 girls and still i feel like something is missing <.<
Maybe you could lower the energy cost per interaction and please make the charakter faster, his sprinting speed schould be his walking speed
where can i sell piss and what does affection? Never were able to get it realy high... would be nice if u add some more information about the stats and what they do
but i think with a little fine tuning this could be a great game! I already love u work, just wanted to make some suggestions
Will definitely keep these suggestions in mind when making the next update! It would be nice if you joined my discord and put your suggestions in my suggestions channel so it will be easy for me to go back to.
Creatures pee doesn't have a use yet and neither does getting high affection but they will in future updates!
nothing, 8days IG and i can only buy at merchant and a Buyer came, but without creature and no possibilities to aquire creature buyer is useless and you don't win money.
did you go to the forest? If you interact with the sign, you should be able to go to the place where you can catch either a wolf or catgirl
i have go Forest, but can't interact with sign ...
Just realized that for some reason the name above the sign isn't showing so it isnt obvious to walk up to it but if you go to either of these places and press enter, you should be able to interact with the sign and go to the place where you can catch creatures